BOOK: Outsmart Your Cancer, 2nd edition, by Tanya Harter Pierce. Ms Pierce is an independent author who has done extensive research on alternative cancer treatments. An e-Book which relates specifically to Protocel® is available on her web site for $15. The book is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Website: www.outsmartyourcancer.com. This site is also a resource for learning more about Protocel. BOOK: Cancer - Step Outside The Box, 2nd edition by Ty M. Bollinger Mr. Bollinger is an independent author who has researched the "cancer industry" and alternative cancer treatments. He has devoted a section to Protocel® and the history of Entelev®, which is the original name for Protocel®. Website: www.CancerTruth.net BOOK: Winning the Battle Against Cancer, 2nd edition, by Elaine Hulliberger Elaine is an independent author. This book describes the alternatives she found when she was given no hope. Order from Vitamin Depot, 1-330-634-0008. Website: www.Elainesmiracle.com Elaine may be reached at ehulli1943@gmail.com, or her home phone 1-814-832-0130. Web Sites: This site was put up by a cancer survivor who took only Protocel® many years ago (after initially having surgery). See also: www.ElonnasCorner.com. and www.strongholdofhope.com. This is the Sheridan Family site. For customer relations, contact Kathie: kathiedub@aol.com or 1-321-752-3075. The Brad Matznick Story (web site under preparation) This will be a revised site, put up by a Protocel user who wishes to share his story and information with others. Contacts: eMail: bmatznick@gmail.com, phone: 1-517-643-2753. HOW TO ORDER - WHERE TO BUY: 1 Vitamin Depot in Ohio (Dr Kim Cassidy), 1-330-634-0008, web site at yourvitamindepot.com. 2 Renewal and Wellness, also WebND, the original source of Protocel 1-888-581-4442 or 1-866-776-8623. May be reached at either www.renewalandwellness.com or www.webnd.com. 3 In Sweden: HANS HINDERSSON, phone +46 708 721 704, email hans.hindersson@mednature.se, address: Norrbergsgatan 8B, 185 32 Vaxholm, Sweden. Web: www.mednature.se. Remember that, by law, medical claims are not allowed. There is information on the Internet about Protocel®. However, not all is accurate! A web site at alternativecancer.com has a Cancell home page which is full of inaccurate and misleading information. Also, the links from that site take you to another product called Cantron, which is NOT Protocel. The two correct formulas are Protocel® Formula Entelev® (23) and Protocel® Formula Cancell® (50). Disclaimer: Protocel®, Entelev® and Cancell® are the original products and the only products approved by the Sheridan and Sopcak (former distributor of Cancell) familes. . |